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365 days of


Want seamless collaboration between team members? Prefer frictionless, built-in security solutions? Value device compatibility? Well then, don’t Google it. We already have the answer.

Need to improve workplace productivity without sacrificing security? Need to allow for easier collaboration, supported by device compatibility? Need a quick take-up with a minimal learning curve? Want customer support and a range of pricing options to suit your needs? Look no further than Microsoft 365.

Superior security

Microsoft 365’s enterprise-level security features provide users with an added layer of data protection, reducing the risk of cyber threats. Its advanced security features, such as data loss prevention, threat protection and multi-factor authentication help your business protect your sensitive information.

Always available

Microsoft 365 is available and accessible, 365 days of the year. Employess have easy remote access to work files, whether in the office or working remotely.

Seamless collaboration

Microsoft 365 offers a collaborative working environment where everything you need to work is in one platform, empowering project teams to communicate and work together seamlessly, even if they’re not all in the same office. It’s also compatible with various devices, including Windows, macOD, iOS and Android.

Transforming your organisation

Minimal learning curve

Many of your employees already use Microsoft tools such as Word, Excel and Powerpoint. This familiarity will make it easier for them to adopt Microsoft 365 with minimal downtime. Productivity is also improved with artificial intelligence (AI) in apps like Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

Compliance, analytics and up-to-date technology

Microsoft 365 makes regulatory compliance simple, allowing your business to meet compliance requirements with ease. Its powerful analytics tool delivers valuable insights into business performance which allows for better decision-making. Add automatic upgrades which ensure everyone always has the latest version of all their apps, and Microsoft 365 is the obvious business choice.

You have our support.

Microsoft offers a range of customer support options, including phone support, email support, and a community forum. Microsoft 365’s pricing options range from a free version for personal use to a range of paid plans for businesses of different sizes.

The corporate standard

► Superior security

► Always available

► Seamless collaboration

► Minimal learning curve

► Compliance and analytics

► Ongoing support

► 365 days of productivity

Choose the corporate standard, 365 days of the year - Microsoft 365

Let us call you to get you started on your Microsoft 365 journey

Address: 1 Ruacana Street, Waterfall Commercial District, Buccleuch Ext 9, 2090, Johannesburg, South Africa

+27 87 073 7707 | [email protected]

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